Hear from Tayab Khan - Graduate Engineer

How's your commute and are you a podcaster or a music blaster?

My commute to the office is around 30 minutes and I always listen to music, so music blaster. I Have to set the tone of my morning and guide my brain towards being productive in the morning.


How does hybrid work impact your everyday role?

I absolutely love it. My favourite thing about working from home is that I can get household tasks done in my breaks and save so much time by not commuting, however, I like coming into the office as it provides an extra place for my mind to spend time and to see others, plus the free food and coffee is very nice.


Do you use any organisational tools to keep your work on track?

I find the daily stand ups that my team does really useful to keep on track and the tickets help me manage my tasks.


What do you do to maintain your wellbeing while in the office or working from home?

I spend at least one hour away from my PC and I make sure I stick to that. In the office I usually go for a walk or lay on the grass outside, at home I go and get a cup of coffee or just cook some food. And I might even mix it up sometimes and play a bit of street fighter 6.


What does a normal morning look like for you? 

1. Get up.
2. Get paranoid that it's 9.
3. Remember sprint ceremonies start at 9.30 so stop panicking.
4. Go downstairs and make a cup of tea
5. Debate making breakfast then remember my diet
6. Load up laptop with cup of tea in hand
7. Longingly stare the croissants
8. Pull up Hinge, 0 matches
9. Maybe the croissants are worth it
10. Wash my cup, join the morning meeting


What's on the menu, and how do you usually spend your lunch break? 

There is an easy but delicious Fajita recipe I make if I'm working from home and I usually spend my lunch break getting coffee and reading, going to a local place and getting 4/10 coffee if I'm working from home or playing pool, and having 10/10 coffee if I'm in the office.


How do you beat the afternoon slog? What keeps you motivated?

The afternoon is never a slog because I'm finally awake from my coffee! I like pair programming a lot because it keeps me focussed and I get to talk to team members whom I really like. I also usually have a good amount of work and training to get through so I don't really mind the afternoon especially because I've eaten and feel re-energised.


If I wanted to start a career in your field, what are the most important skills that I should be developing? 

C#, making your own projects and posting them online. Having FUN with code is important because in a corporate setting, you won't always get to. Just make things. Anything. A game where you have to pick which cup has a coin underneath, a chrome extension that shouts the "SHAME SHAME SHAME" from Game of Thrones whenever you try to access Youtube, Twitch or Facebook to keep you focussed. These sorts of activities will teach you what you like to do and as a result, you'll gain skills.